This is a hen's choice assortment from all of our Polish varieties raised here on the farm. We are currently working with 3 types of Polish:
- Khaki and Chocolate/Dun
- Gold-Laced x Tolbunt
- Black Crested White and Buff
Please note that roughly 50% of the chicks will hatched frizzled, with the remaining 50% being smooth. Your actual ration may vary depending on the size of the hatch.
Polish Hatching Egg Assortment
Out of Stock
Shipping Info
Hatching eggs can be shipped via two methods: USPS Priority Mail or FedEx 2-day. Please select and pay according to your preference at checkout. Eggs will be packed in quality egg-shipping foam and boxes will be clearly marked with fragile stickers on all sides. We are happy to offer free, combined shipping for orders over $150!