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This is a hen's choice assortment from all of our Polish varieties raised here on the farm. We are currently working with 3 types of Polish:


  • Khaki and Chocolate/Dun
  • Gold-Laced x Tolbunt
  • Black Crested White and Buff
Please note that roughly 50% of the chicks will hatched frizzled, with the remaining 50% being smooth. Your actual ration may vary depending on the size of the hatch.

Polish Hatching Egg Assortment

Out of Stock

Hatching eggs can be shipped via two methods: USPS Priority Mail or FedEx 2-day. Please select and pay according to your preference at checkout. Eggs will be packed in quality egg-shipping foam and boxes will be clearly marked with fragile stickers on all sides. We are happy to offer free, combined shipping for orders over $150!

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